Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Photographing Ghosts

Best comment of the day was "You photograph ghosts?!" Haha. Check here to see what this person was talking about when they first looked at my work:

What do YOU think about my photographs?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leg Rock

Here is the leg rock workout as I promised. Get ready to feel like Jell-O! 

Good luck! 


Arm Rock

Alright so here is today's workout, and it will work every part of your me! Here is the perfect workout if you're looking to tone up for bikini season--I know I am!

I decided that I think it would be fun to gear up for bikini season with a February Challenge. I'm going to put together a calendar of workouts for the month of February, and of course I'd love for others to join in the challenge with me! Arm Rock (the exercise posted above) will be included in the February Fitness challenge, along with leg rock, abs & glutes, all-over body workout, and the..dun dun...All-over body blaster (details to come!)

I'll be posting Leg Rock either tonight or tomorrow (I did this workout yesterday and have been waddling around campus ever since). And the other exercises for the February Fitness Challenge will be posted before the end of January.

Enjoy the workout, sweat your butt off, stretch, and stay hydrated!! Maybe even make the post-workout smoothie from last week. :-)



Friday, January 18, 2013

Sweatin' Bullets & The Aftermath Delight

  Thanks to one of my coworkers who spends a lot of time at the gym, she wrote me up a workout that I did today...and let me just tell you, it was good! Here it is!

I felt so good after this workout and I can already feel my muscles starting to get sore (great feeling)! 
I made a post-workout smoothie after this and I think it was the most delicious one I've made yet...

-Spinach/Power blend (Organic Girl)
-Frozen peaches, pineapple, and strawberries
-Nonfat strawberry greek yogurt
-Almond milk
-Pineapple juice
-Half scoop of vanilla whey protein powder 
(This ends up being pretty naturally sweet so I wouldn't recommend adding anything before you blend)


This was such a good post-workout choice and left me feeling full and muscles feeling replenished!



Omelet With A Side of Roses

I got home late from work and was craving some eggs pretty bad. So I decided to whip up a mean omelet, and luckily we had 2 eggs left in the fridge!

My late night omelet ingredients:
-2 eggs
-white onion
-chopped garlic
-a few spinach leaves
-salt to taste

So I fried this up and it was surprisingly satisfying for such a last-minute meal.

Wondering what the roses are for? Well, my mom had to take my car to the Honda dealership to get inspected, and who would have known that Thursdays at the Honda dealer are Ladies Night? I know I definitely didn't know this. My mom, being the lovely lady that she is, received a nice little handful of roses because of this. Apparently the guy at the dealership said his wife was starting to catch on to the Thursday night roses routine.



Out & A-Sprout

It's difficult keeping up with healthy eating and exercising habits when you have a job. No doubt. When you're in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is natural to think something along the lines of:

"I'll stop somewhere to eat on my way, I don't have time to make something at home."

And more often than not, where you end up stopping for food is going to be fast (the whole point of why you didn't make something at home). So guess what that gives us? Food that is fast = FAST FOOD (uh oh!).

Trust me, I am completely guilty of caving in to the convenience of fast food in the past (I mean c'mon,  there has to be a Taco Bell or McDonald's at every corner in this modern-day world--of course it's hard to resist this!).

But here comes the good news..I have become pretty good at making express meals that seriously take no longer than 5 minutes (and that probably includes the time of taking out and putting back all of the ingredients in the fridge/pantry). Five minutes is probably the equivalent of the time you'd spend sitting in the drive-thru waiting to get your grub, but with making quick meals at home you automatically eliminate the potential risk of long lines that you'd find at the drive-thru (and of course that one person in the car in front of you who is throwing a fit about having tomatoes on her Nacho Bell-Grande when she SPECIFICALLY asked for no tomatoes!...You'd think it was the end of the world from these customers' reactions, right?).

Anywho, here is a healthy and incredibly quick lunch that I made yesterday before zooming off to work!

-2 slices Ezekiel bread
-Sliced Turkey Breast
-Alfalfa Sprouts
-1 slice Mozzarella Cheese

Just place all of this on the bread and you've got yourself a pretty darn good sammich! 



Starter Smoothie

I've never been much of a breakfast person, but I always know from my annoying morning stomach growls that I need to have a little something on my belly to start my day. Which is why smoothies are the best route to go for me! And not to mention they are incredibly easy (especially for those 6 a.m. mornings when you literally feel like you're super-glued to your bed).

So yesterday, believe it or not, I started my day off with a smoothie! After making smoothies for quite some time now (you can pretty much call me a pro ;)) I've gotten used to a lot of them having a pretty "earthy" taste, so if this recipe is a little too el-naturel-tasting for you, feel free to use a little more natural sweetener (agave nectar, truvia/stevia, fruit-flavored greek yogurt, etc).

What I used to make this smoothie:
-blueberries, raspberries, & strawberries (combination of fresh and frozen)
-Nonfat plain greek yogurt
-Original flavor almond milk
-Spinach/Power blend (Organic Girl)
-Agave nectar (to sweeten it up a notch)


So basically I just threw all of the ingredients in a cup (this is the easiest way to measure out your ingredients if you're doing just a single smoothie. It's better than guesstimating and throwing everything straight in a blender!).

Don't you just love the way smoothies look in their most raw state? (or maybe that's just me..)
And voila! Here it is, ready to drink! 

And like I said, this might taste a little too earthy for your liking if you're just starting out with the smoothie gig, so if you want to sweeten it up, add any kind of natural sweetener (try and avoid artificial sweetener such as sweet 'n low, splenda, etc.) 



Thursday, January 17, 2013

Highlight of The Day

I had great intentions of posting some good stuff today, but after getting home from work at 10pm and lying in bed with my heated neck wrap on, I'm seeing only Zzzs in my very near future.

But I did want to take a second to share a good thing from today. I'm on Christmas break and have been working back home for the holidays, and tonight was my last shift before going back to school.

I'd say 90% of what I do at work is either eat food, walk across the street to get food, or talk to the other girls I work with about food (I guess it's the spa-like atmosphere that makes us relaxed and want to eat like banchees), so it's natural for all of us to know if one another is on any special kind of diet, eating plan, etc. etc.

For a while now I have been eating foods according to my blood type which has really helped to guide me in the direction of eating clean & healthy (and might I add that this is really difficult when out of the window of my work I can see Panera bread company, frozen yogurt, and practically everything under the sun in walking distance!).

Anyways, to get to the point of the story. My coworker says to me tonight, "Cody I wish you were around here more often. I feel like you're my motivation to make better eating decisions." And honestly, this was probably one of the best compliments I could have ever gotten.

I know that in reality, this is me sharing a compliment that I got to the blogosphere, which seems goofy, but the moral is that when you are making a good effort to change yourself and your habits, you are naturally going to have an effect on others! And if someone tells you that you've helped them (even if it's in the teeniest tiniest way), it makes you want to keep trying and working even harder!

So that concludes my inspirational lullaby for tonight. Goodnight everyone!

(And if anyone is interested in getting more information on eating for your blood type, visit this amazing site:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ice Breaker

Welcome to MishMash, my blog about, well..everything!

And just like K thru 12 I'll start by introducing myself. I'm Cody and I'm a student studying fine art photography (you can read my full profile if you really want to get down to brass tacks!). To sum myself up in a nutshell, I like eating, exercising, relaxing and photographing (hence all the major points of this blog!) and hopefully my posts will inspire and motivate others to do the same or maybe just branch out and try some new things if you feel like it!

I like to think that I eat pretty dang clean/healthy, but I'm also a human being who enjoys a good dose of Taco Bell every once in a great moon (GASP!), so don't feel like you have to be a die-hard-quinoa-eating-and-yoga-practicing fiend in order to follow my recipes/tips/exercising/whatever I post...I'm trying stuff out and experiencing them as I go just like you!

Some days I might be in novelist-mode and some days there might just be a photo or photos that I put up. Either way, I hope you enjoy!! And of course, if there are any questions about anything I post, I'd be happy to answer. :-)

Cheers to 2013 and new beginnings! Here we go, folks!
